Monday, May 25, 2009

Super City Hikoi

Something has been bugging me lately in the news. The Hikoi (or Protest for those who don't know) by Maori to have special seats assigned to them in the new Super City Council. While I'm opposed to the Super City all together because it directly affects where I live I am also opposed to racial preference. That is what the Maori are asking for. They want to have special seats allocated to them so they have a guarantee to be in the council. For a country that fought so long for equality around the world, having seats set apart for Maori in the super city council is a step backward. How is it equal to give one race guarenteed seats in the council while every other race, majority or minority, have to earn their seats? The protesters don't even know what they are really protesting about. I can't believe Maori think that because they don't have any specifically allocated seats in the council they have no chance of getting a seat in the same way as everyone else. Their leaders claim they want equallity, and to have a voice but all I'm seeing is a desire to be treated differently from everyone else. A picture on the NZ Herald site of the protest shows a protester holding a sign that says, its about rights not race. If it's not about race, why are you protesting for seats for one race. It's EVERYONES right to be represented on the council I know that, but Maori seem to have no faith that they can get on the council the same way as everyone else. It's down right pathetic and racial preference of ANY race should never bee tolerated in this modern day. Just because you are a minority doesn't entitle you to special treatment. How about applying for the council seats instead of wasting your time trying to get seats allocated to you?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Angels and Demons Review

On Saturday I went to the movies for a mates birthday to see Angels and Demons. This may contain some spoilers for those who haven't read the book or seen the movie. What happened to the Diamond? (See Picture)

Did they just decide it was too confusing to be put into the movie? So they replaced it with the two keys? The diamond is meant to be the fifth brand and it's a big part of the story. Obviously the film makers didn't think so.

Not to mention they changed so much from the book. They had barely any character development like in the book. So much was changed from the book which is kind of disappointing for me. I held the book much higher than Da Vinci Codes book but in the case of movies, the Da Vinci Code is better.

But I still just cannot get my head around the diamond. What was the point of taking it out? It played a major role in the book only to be replaced by two crossing keys that have nothing to do with the Illuminati portrayed in the book. As a stand alone movie without reading the book or watching Da Vinci Code its a good movie. However to people who loved the book and the Da Vinci Code movie, don't get your hopes up. I really thought this one would be better than The Da Vinci Code purely because the book was better. I guess I was wrong.

However I still recomend this movie to anyone. It certainly isn't a bomb out. Just a disappointment.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Flame War At FSTDT

I'm a regular over at FSTDT for those who don't know it that stands for Fundie Say The Darndest Things. A site where quotes from fundies are posted for everybody to see. The other day a quote was posted and approved as fundie. It made it to the main page and has since caused a flame war over whether it is fundie at all. It was a reply to another fundie comment on the main page but went a little too far. I for one think it is very fundie. Just because the poster is an Atheist doesn't mean he is exempt from being called a fundie. He calls for the ban of religion which screams fundie. FSTDT doesn't hold any double standards and that makes it a good site. The ultimate reason for the site is to oppose Fundies, not Theists. It is not a site where Atheists can condemn Fundie quotes and then use the same arguments against them. I know the poster is a regular and usually isn't so bad but this time he went a bit too far. What he said was no better than what the original quote said. The people defending him should realise this. The poster should also realise this and admit he's wrong by saying religion should be banned by law. Which at the time of publishing this he has made no attempt. In fact he only defended himself. Moral of the story, the mods of FSTDT take no shit when it comes to fundies from any walk of life. Good on you.

Burning Rose

It's not my best work but it's just practice right now. I'm not particularly happy with the flame. I may redo it another time with much better, more random looking flames.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New Picture

I've almost got to the point where I'm creating an image from scratch. Most of this one is just my work only the body is a mannequin (The same one in the last post). In my opinion this is my best work yet. It took me about 7 hours to do it. I think it did at least. Maybe more because my computer is really slow and hates Photoshop.

I didn't plan any of it it just came together as I went. Originally it was just going to be a normal demon with two wings just standing there. But it changed to just one wing with a tattoo sprouting from it. I made the frame then decided the tattoo was going to be flames of some sort. Then I had the idea of it actually turning into flames. Pretty cool if I do say so myself. It took me forever to do his skin colour because I couldn't decide on what colour a demons skin should be. So I went for red. So there it is.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I like to think I'm getting better at this. It was originally a mannequin. I changed the way I do my line art. The lines no longer stop short of where they're meant to. I'm getting better at the shading aspect. At least I would like to think so.

Anyway, I'm going to keep practising and hopefully I'll get to the point where I won't need to copy anything to make a picture.

Update for the sake of updating.

Well nothing much happening right now. Currently I am writing something called Out of the Darkness for a graphic novel a friends making for school. (design class). That's about it.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Game Review - osu!

Okay so I recently came across this game. It's a rhythm game were you have to click circles at the right time according to the beat of the song. At first glance you'd just think its another rhythm game there's already enough out there. But this ones different because the songs used, called beatmaps, are made by other users. Also it has a login system and ranking system so you can keep score as you go along. Because of the user generated beatmaps you can never be short of new songs to try out. It updates itself when there are new updates. The best thing about it, it's totally free. Of course you get extra benifits if you donate to the project such as direct downloading and other things, but you don't have to. If you want to try this game out for yourself, and I recomend it fully go to this site.

Movie Review - Fast and Furious

I recently saw the new Fast and Furious movie and I must say I loved it. Most of the cars were American Muscle which was pure awesome.

Story: For those who don't know the movie takes place before Tokyo Drift. The story is very straight forward with some little twists added in but lets face it. It's no Saw (first and second, not so much the rest). Who wants to be confused by all that story anyway, this is a movie about fast cars.

The action was awesome and they added a nice dose of humour in. All in all my verdict is it was a brilliant movie and I would have no qualms about getting the DVD.

Political Compass Test

This is a lot of blog posts in one day. But there's a lot of stuff I want to say. I recently took a political compass test which not only shows left or right but also Authoritarian and Libertarian. This is where I am on the scale.

Swine Flu

Well Swine Flu seems to be the talk at the moment so I thought I would put my two cents in. It has made it to New Zealand, and the media are having a field day. I was watching the news today (yesterday) and they had statistics up. Their statistics for New Zealand cases were 136 suspected cases and 401 people under quarantine and taking Tamiflu who had contact with people suspected to have it. The thing is they failed to mention is the numbers of probable and confirmed cases of Swine Flu. 4 confirmed and 12 probable. Doesn't seem like much does it? Because it's not.

Living In NZ

I live in New Zealand obviously. I have always lived here; actually I’ve never left the place. So I’m going to share the upsides and the downsides of living in New Zealand. I should know them... I’ve lived here for 18 years.

Let’s start with the downsides, bad first. That way I finish feeling good about my country.

The problem with living in New Zealand is we get almost everything last, from movies to new products. I could be talking about an episode of a program from America. A typical conversation between me and an American:

Me: “Hey, did you see that new episode of Mythbusters where goes on to describe the show”

American: “That was four episodes ago man, what do you live under a rock?”

The funny thing is, I sort of do live under a rock. A rather big one at that, it’s so big it has a name. It’s called Earth.

I mean the only things we get first are daylight and anything Peter Jackson spits out! Not dissing Peter Jackson or anything like that, but let’s face it. We can only brag about the Lord of the Rings for so long before no-one really cares anymore, and what’s the point of being a day ahead of America if we still get everything last? Honestly we don’t even get Flight of the Concords first, and they come from New Zealand! Of course our TV companies are a bunch of stinges that didn’t fund them. Bet they’re feeling crap right about now.

Depending of the reception of this I’ll keep going on the pros and cons of NZ in future posts.

Friday, May 1, 2009

First Post

This is my first blog ever.

Well my name is Aaron Adams. Red Horizon Design isn't really a company or anything, just my trade mark.

This blog will be where I post writings, what I'm doing. Whatever really. I will post my opinions on current events from time to time and all that. But mostly this will be used to share my stories, art and videos.

I figure I might as well post something here so I leave you will a couple pictures that I recently finished. I cartoonise photos with Photoshop.